121. How To Create SonShine
- How To Create SonShine
- Last Week On River Sound
- It Only Takes Five To Sixteen Minutes A Day

How To Create SonShine

By JoyJedi
This is a story of one who has been on this journey for a long time. One who has victories and defeats under his belt. One who at times feels like he is being wrung out like a towel full of sweat and tears. And one who is being cheered on by his father as he is getting close to the finish line.
I am the ONE.
I AM living the journey of creating SonShine. I am learning to InJoy me living from the inside out, not from the outside in. I am an insider not an outsider. It all starts with love. In Luke 10:27 of the Passion Translation it states, “You must love the Lord God with all your heart, all your passion, all your energy, and your every thought. And you must love your neighbor as well AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF.”
I am on this journey of learning to love myself. From the moment I wake up to the moment I put my head on the pillow at night it is a continual feast of thankfulness and joy mixed with casting my cares and oopsies on Yeshua. “It is through Yeshua that I live and function and have my identity…” Acts 17:28 TPT
Loving myself hasn’t been an easy journey but Yeshua has made a way where there didn’t seem to be one. I have had to learn to let go of who I thought I was and begin to live in who I AM. Seeing myself from the outside has always been a struggle. But as I see myself from the inside out in Yeshua, I AM amazing! I can wake up with an attitude of gratitude and go to bed with a thankful heart. And in the fullness of my day, I AM creating SonShine.
I AM the Son Shining! I get to be the SonShine for those that my world revolves around. I get to be the one that brings warmth and vitamin D to those I connect with. I get to be the Son that rises in the east and sets in the west creating a sphere of love, kindness and encouragement along the way.
I AM SonShine!

Last Week On River Sound

By Mississippi Sound
If you missed River Sound last week here are a few gems and topics we discussed.
~ We all see in part and know in part. As we journey together and share out of relationship, what we have knowledge of we can then be a sphere of influence to those around us. This shows how we are better synergistically and relationally as we trade into each other.
~ God is the Father of lights. We are the source created by Yahweh that is light. We are electric light beings. Within that light every part of our body is frequency, vibration, and sound that desires to be in harmony in oneness with ourselves. As spirit Beings we have the ability to raise our frequency that results in us shining brighter which is healing to us.
~ Our health will be a result of our presence as we listen to our bodies and Holy Spirit. OR our health will show our lack of presence to listen to our bodies and Holy Spirit.
~ We actually have to give up some of our desires and laziness so we can honor and prefer our body in wholeness.
~ Our body can heal itself. It replaces cells every 7 to 10 years with the exception of neurons in the cerebral cortex which stay with us from birth on.
~ Practicing to attain a life in divine health that has abundance
~ The frequency of Love is within our Inner Spirit Being
~ Resting in peace with Yahweh
~ Being still in flight or flight mode
~ We know our body needs food, water, air, and light
~ Overcoming nutrient deficiencies
River Sound meets on Fridays at 11am ET/10 CT/8 PT
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It Only Takes 5-16 Minutes A Day

By Boston C!
(Inspired commentary by Boston C! based on “Switch On Your Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf”)
Research shows that five to sixteen minutes a day of focused, meditative capturing of thoughts shifts frontal brain states that are more likely to engage with the world.
Deep thinking activity increases the chances of a more joyful outlook on life and your involvement in it. We have powerful and sound minds.
When we direct our attention by capturing our thoughts, we provide a target for our mental faculties. The frontal lobe of the brain is designed to handle thought processes.
Ponder P48 (Phil. 4:8) and continue capturing those thoughts.
Up and away!

YouTube Channel Update
Check out the follow-up video to “Living In The Now” with πdpiper. Again, he takes a deeper look at the ancient letters that make up these words: סבת סלומ.