112. Coming Soon, River Sound! Science!
- Coming soon, River Sound!
- Encouragement from Science
- Check out our YouTube Channel!

Coming soon, River Sound!
By Mississippi Sound
You don’t have to journey with us long to know how important relationships are to us. ATS was built on the foundation of relationships.
We are excited to be bringing our inspirational ideas into reality. The pillars QRST and P48 have inspired us to begin walking out some of our creative avenues.
We will be launching River Sound soon. Be watching for the date! This will be a zoom call where we build relationships and support each other on our journey. We’ll also have a dedicated Discord channel to keep connected between zoom calls.
As we build relationships with each other we will also look at many areas where we can build a relationship with ourselves by taking care of our body, which is the temple that Holy Spirit lives in. We will be discussing how important it is to be in balance and alignment with our body, soul, and spirit so out of us can flow rivers of living waters from our innermost being.
I look forward to journeying with you all! We are better together. Together we can have quantum relationships that synergistically trade into each other to produce a larger sum for the kingdom as we operate out of whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy.

More Encouragement from Science
(Inspired commentary by Boston C! based on “Switch On Your Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf”)
Universalist believe logic and language are learned at fixed ages, and if you pass that fixed age, you can’t learn. Plasticity research proves them wrong. People with learning disabilities can rewire their brains to perceive sound better. The active mind changes the brain. As we think, we are making the brain fire in different patterns and combinations, and whenever we make the brain fire differently, we change the brain. Our lifestyles and environment can transform the way our genes are expressed and we are not controlled by the structure of our brains. One brain generates more energy (electrical impulses) in one day than all the cell phones on the planet. We have power to make changes. You have the power in your mind to change negative, toxic manifestations. Our minds shape the world. Neuroplasticity is all about change and renewing your mind.
Good to know!

Check Out Our YouTube Channel!
Our YouTube Channel is growing! We’re uploading clips, highlights, and more from our weekly Trading Tables live sessions.
Timely short format commentary and a Son’s perspective on what’s happening in YHVH‘s creation. As only Boston can.
“Live Above The Sun!”
ATS Team