115. Do Your Own Brain Surgery!
- Quiet Time In The Secret Place
- Do Your Own Brain Surgery!

Quiet Time In The Secret Place

By Mississippi Sound
Let’s focus on meditation with one more perspective. This inspiration on meditation, ascension or quiet time with Yahweh is from TruthSeekah. You can go to his website and review many of these inspirations.
TruthSeekah is a Christian mystic, an author, an artist, and a songwriter. He has made it his life’s work to understand the spiritual realms and relate it back to people in a practical way.
I was inspired by the way TruthSeekah spoke about how we can go within ourselves to explore all that Yahweh has created within us and for us. It’s during this time and space that we set aside to commune with Yahweh in relationship that we will have dimensions within us open up to get new revelation, secrets, and mysteries that we know not of.
We can set the atmosphere if we would like by: listening to music that connects with our spirit, filling the atmosphere with essential oils, or candles, and be comfortable as we begin to enter Yahweh’s presence. There are no protocols necessary, and we don’t have to do any of these things to enter our Fathers presence in the secret place.
During meditation, it can be important to watch our breath. We can feel ourselves breathing in the presence of Yahweh. As we begin our quiet time, we can then ask God to show us whatever he wants to show us. We leave it up to him. We put no limitations on Yahweh. We only come to BE with and in Him.
As we focus, our vision will become clearer. We will have clarity for what we begin to see and know that is within us. As we go deeper, we will learn to wait upon Him so our strength will be renewed. Seeds, “the word of Yeshua,” will also be planted within us during this entangling wait time that can usher in breakthrough revelation.
Our focus is to be submitted to Yahweh in a deeper and more intimate relationship to experience his light, love, grace, peace, and all of who He is in the secret place. Then we can be open to the spirit and be one with Yahweh so we can be taught and loved by Him in an intimate relational way. Remember, what He starts in the secret place He will be faithful to continue in you. We learn by practicing to enter in with Yahweh and to be in the present moment, to give Yahweh our whole heart, and our full attention.
As we enter into his presence, we do it in thanksgiving. We enter into his courts with thanksgiving and enter into his gates with praise. TruthSeekah says, “I like to enter in His presence with gratitude because gratitude is the fuel to the intimacy and the beautiful places He brings you to.” There’s much to be thankful for. Yahweh’s character is the fruit of the spirit and we can be thankful for them all. We can create a dance in the thankfulness with gratitude, thankfulness, worship, and praise within our heart as we do it out of intention, intimacy, and relationship.
This may not be new for some, but if it is, just start one step and one revelation at a time. I love to get many perspectives on subjects I am engaging with, knowing that Holy Spirit will guide me personally to all truths. No one has to be right or wrong in all areas, but we can learn from each other as the spirit leads us. Remember, as long as we have love and honor, we can give grace and respect to others even when we see things differently. After all, we are all one in Him.

Do Your Own Brain Surgery!

By Boston C!
(Inspired commentary by Boston C! based on “Switch On Your Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf”)
Let’s review what we’ve learned.
Our thoughts, imagination, and choices change the structure and function of our brains on every level: molecular, genetic, epigenetic, cellular, structural, neurochemical, electromagnetic and even subatomic.
We are designed to do our own brain surgery! Choices become signals that change our brain and body. Epigenetics is the fact that thoughts and choices impact the physical brain and body, mental health and spiritual development. Thinking changes generational patterns, the good, the bad, and the ugly!
The mind is the signal, the epigenetic factor that switches these genes on or off. Parenting mistakes can create predispositions but never ones destiny as you choose as well. We are not responsible for ancestral decisions but only to be aware of them, evaluate those predispositions, then choose to eliminate them.
Neuroplasticity or the ability of the brain to change in response to thinking, can operate for you or against you. Whatever you think about most will grow. Changing your perception changes your biology! You are the King of your life and not the slave of it!
Good to know!

We’ve uploaded a highlight reel from a recent Trading Tables Live!
Thank you πdpiper!
Our deep gratitude to all who’ve tracked with us on the Live calls!
We LOVE your frequencies!
We eagerly anticipate the future quantum entanglements
as we grow in relationship together!
Blessings and Honor!
Come see us in Orlando, FL!
We’ll be joining Heather Rayner and our friends over at OFBA for the Union conference this September 9-11th.
We’re honored to have a table there among some truly wonderful people with great things going on!
Investing in the treasures of relationship!
We’d love to see you there!
If you missed it, BostonC has a word on Union on our Facebook page!
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ATS Team