114. Empyreal Frequencies Transcending to Zion
- I AM Empyreal Frequencies – JoyJedi Did A Thing!
- Transcending To Zion
- You Have The Power To Change

I AM Empyreal Frequencies!

By JoyJedi
It all started as I was running on a treadmill in 2021. My wife and I were visiting our son in Northern California. We were staying at his girlfriend’s parents’ house where they have a nice indoor gym setup. Before we had gotten to their place. I had been processing some ideas that kept circulating in my thought process.
How can I help my daughter and son get ahead in life? Why do they have to struggle with who they are for as long as I did? Does it have to take a lifetime to find your purpose and how to go about living it out once you’ve found it?
These were just some of the ?s that were swirling around as I stepped onto the treadmill.
I put my earbuds in and pressed the go button on the treadmill and away I went back into my own thought process. I started recollecting memories from my 20’s and 30’s and realizing that into my 40’s I was still struggling with who I was, and that I was being tossed here and there trying to find my purpose for my life. How frustrated I was and angry that I just couldn’t seem to get ahead in life.
Yes! Wonderful marriage Yes! Amazing son and daughter!
Feeling like I was making a difference in life the way I was seeing it in my heart, a big fat NO! And I didn’t want my kiddos to feel and struggle the way I had.
So…Out of this treadmill session came the birthing of Empyreal Frequencies. And I got this download of HOPE as I was finishing my time on the treadmill. I heard music and a beating of an excited heart as I got off the treadmill and I began the process of writing down my thoughts.
Here were some of them: The 4 C’s of FrequenCies
- The Big “C” This is your core of who you are. Your middle C, using music terms. It’s the center of who you are. Who am I?
- See – Your vision. How do you see thru your lens of life? “Seeing is believing”, or is it, “Believing is Seeing?” This is where you start to believe in yourself and your purpose.
- Si – Your YES! (the Spanish word for “yes”) This is your agreement, and this gives you the opportunity to “GO!”
- Sea – Your world in which you live and move and have your BEing in. Who are you doing life with?
I want to share this with you and with anybody that will listen. I want my stories to become your inspirations for your own journey. I want what I want for my own kiddos for you. I hope this makes sense. That’s why I am stepping into my purpose as a voice, as a parent and as one that has struggled with the process of growing up and into Becoming ME!
I like ME! But I wish I did when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. The struggle is real but be of good cheer, Empyreal Frequencies is here.
Let’s InJoy! this together!
Connect with JoyJedi’s Empyreal Frequencies!

Transcending to Zion

By Mississippi Sound

You Have the Power to Change

By Boston C!
(Inspired commentary by Boston C! based on “Switch On Your Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf”)
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