122. Forgiveness And It’s Sacrifice
- Forgiveness And It’s Sacrifice
- Our Normal Is Perfection

Forgiveness And It's Sacrifice

By Mississippi Sound
Jesus willingly was the sacrifice for our sins so we could have repentance. For us to forgive like Jesus did, we also must be the willing sacrifice, sacrificing our emotions of unforgiveness, so that there can be a place of repentance for the other person or ourselves.
In Luke it reads, “For without repentance we perish.” Sometimes the only way for us to have this type of love is to sit in the heart of Father. For IN HIM, we can do all things. There’s mercy at the cross for unforgiveness. It is forgiveness that allows you to bridge over to the forgiveness side for someone else, but also for your own-self.
There’s provision this year that carries forgiveness. This year also has provision of repentance from the breath of your words offering the words for repentance. Go repent.
Repent means where you have missed the mark. Turn and realign yourself to hit the target. The target is Yahweh.
So turn and align back to Him and keep your eye on the prize.
The prize is Yahweh.
Don’t walk in guilt and condemnation. Just repent and forgive yourself. Don’t hold on to unforgiveness, it will keep you captive and steal from yourself. Take the bridge!
This is your year for both repentance and forgiveness. There’s room at the cross. So go bridge over to forgiveness, the sacrifice is worth it.
The year 5783 Forward movement.
This Hebraic year of 5783. Eight is the year of Pey – The mouth. It’s the frequency that comes from the breath of our spoken word, manifesting. Three is the year of Gimel – Gimel represents a camel or camels and also can represent a man moving forward.
Camels represent provision because they carry an abundance of water within themselves to make it through the dry places where there is no water. The Camels are coming. And they bring the provision of just what you need in your dry places. What the enemy has stolen from His children will be restored because what has suffered will be repaid. If you haven’t forgiven yourself, or anyone else, you can this year.
Provision is here.
Keep you eye on the prize, Yeshua!

Our Normal Is Perfection

By Boston C!
(Inspired commentary by Boston C! based on “Switch On Your Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf”)
We have a divine mind!
Our normal state is a state of perfection. Science now is able to demonstrate that we are “wired for love.” Therefore fear, which incorporates anything toxic, is not our norm. Our natural fashioned inclination is one of optimism and good healthy thinking.
We have the choice to think right or wrong, releasing life or death, blessing or cursing. Clearly evidenced in the brain, when bad choices are made, the neural wiring becomes distorted, disrupting normal function.
We are designed to observe our own thoughts, catch those that are bad and rid yourself of them. The vast majority of mental and physical illness comes from our thought life rather than the environment and genes. An undisciplined mind is filled with a continuous stream of worries, fears, and distorted perceptions that trigger degenerative processes in the mind and body.
P48 (Phil. 4:8) today and capture those thoughts!
Up and away!