135. Not in this Dojo
- This Month On ATS Voices And River Sound!
- A Call To Intention – Temple McCollum
- Gimel’s Gate – Your Body Is A Temple
- BostonC’s Weekly Sign Posts

Febuary 24th On River Sound
It is our pleasure to welcome Michelle Spires!

Michelle is a mom of 2 amazing girls and a Quantum Leap Coach. She’s journeyed through personal training, nutrition counseling, essential oils and more on her quest for health and wellness. While she found each of them to be beneficial, there was still a piece missing.
Through Quantum Leap Coaching, she found true health and wellness comes from the inner. It’s our natural design. To remember our health and life, we peel off the layers of lies (that have been playing out for generations) to reveal the truth.
“I love seeing the sparkle in my clients eyes as they begin to remember who they really are and love Life again!”
You can find Michelle on her website at:
And on Facebook:
See you on the Sound!


by πdPiper
Many times, we see something in nature, hear something in a conversation, song or video, or sense something in the world around us that reminds us of something greater than that which is currently holding our attention. These things are called signs or symbols.
Symbols are like signposts pointing us in the direction of the greater object, idea, or value.
Take for example the quote from the movie Karate Kid: “Fear does not exist in this Dojo…”. It’s a classic, and it’s been used as a meme a thousand times over – I’ve heard it countless times in humorous situations. But until recently, I’ve never taken it beyond face value in those moments of levity.
Driving into work one recent morning, I was wrestling with an anxious thought. I was doing my best to settle my soul in its rightful place: at the foot stool of my Spirit, when all of a sudden this quote came out my mouth from the deep recesses of my long term memory! (Thanks, HS). The moment I spoke those words, anxiety was laid to rest; so was my soul. Then the rest of drive in, my mind turned the words over and over. Especially the word “Dojo”. I was so intrigued by it that I looked it up at the office, and what I found was surprising.
According to Wikipedia “A dōjō (道場) is a hall or space for immersive learning or meditation. This is traditionally in the field of martial arts, but has been seen increasingly in other fields, such as meditation and software development. The term literally means “place of the Way” in Japanese.” (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dojo)

Isn’t that cool! It literally means place of the Way! This reminded me of the earliest name followers of Jesus Christ, or Yeshua, used to describe themselves: The Way. It wasn’t until later that believers of Yeshua would be known by the name Christian.
Reading further on in the article I learned that Dojos were places built within the grounds of a temple. What does that symbolism remind you of? Our bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?”
By the way, it doesn’t say our souls or our spirits. It says our bodies are the temples, the Holy habitation of limitless God. Meaning, He is very much interested in your body as much as he is with the other two-thirds of your being. Let that sink in a bit.
Putting the pieces together, we see this: we are Holy temples, which includes a place we’ll call “place of the way” or ways, also known as ancient gates, that connect heaven and earth within us. It’s the transition place, and It’s often called the garden of the heart where the river of life, flowing out of eternity from the Throne of God, splits into the four rivers of our heart. And it is in this place that the fallen things of the Adamic nature do not exist. Sin and death do not exist. And ever since Christ Jesus re-established access, it has become a place where we turn inward for “immersive learning or meditation”; for training.
One last fact. In traditional Dojos, the rules of the place would be written on paper and displayed on the front walls. This was for the purpose of students remembering proper respect and procedures for being in that place. In the same way, when we declare: “Fear does not exist in this Dojo!” It becomes a symbolic statement of alignment, which serves to remind us who we are in Christ and the Kingdom of heaven that we claim citizenship.
As the Lord has continued to unlock this revelation, I’ve began to insert other words in place of “fear” to broaden and encompass my whole life. For example, sickness doesn’t exist in this Dojo! Lack doesn’t exist in this Dojo! These become very strong symbolic statements when we begin to understand the depth and impact of these signs upon our life.
The next time you are out and about in the world, pay attention to the signs and symbols around you. You may just find yourself standing in front of a signpost pointing to your next revelation and breakthrough.

A Call To Intention
There’s a call to intention in our community.
Ginger, a long time supporter of ATS, has reached out to us concerning her daughter Temple McCollum’s fight with cancer.
We are calling all who read this to stand with us in intention for Temple’s swift, full and complete healing! Blessings to you Temple!
This is her story from her gofundme page which you can find here.

Fear does not stop death. Fear stops life. Life is meant to be enjoyed in all its glory. Sometimes you will have regrets and other times there will be none. Many people say this but, few put it into action. What would you do if you were given a terminal diagnosis with less than a five year life expectancy? Would you continue to pursue the normal? Or would you gear up for the fight of your life and dive head first into relentless amounts chemo therapy, surgeries, and radiation. Do you chose to take on the battle and live your life to the fullest.
I was diagnosed at 32 with stage four metastatic colon cancer with mets to the liver. I chose to dive in head first and start fighting for my future. I knew this fight was going to be long and arduous. But it is a fight I felt I could win. After months of chemo and surgeries I was overjoyed when it seemed to be a success. However the remission was short lived. One week before my wedding we learned the cancer had returned. This time with even more mets to the liver lungs stomach and bone. I was heartbroken but leapt right back in to the grueling schedule of chemo surgeries and radiation once again.
As my eighth year in this fight approaches an uneasy feeling amongst my family began to arise. I decided to take on an extremely radical and high risk surgery in which half of my liver, parts of lungs, small portions of three ribs and diaphragm where removed. This surgery was successful and we are hopeful the recovery will be as well. My husband and I worked throughout this entire process. Despite two incomes the long recovery and exorbitant cost of heath care. We have depleted all our savings and are struggling to make ends meet. My goal with this fundraiser is to bridge the gap so that I may continue fighting.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this small glimpse of the battle which I have undertook. If you are able to help, any donation would be appreciated. No donation is too small. Please share this story with others in hopes that we may continue to fight this brutal battle against cancer. We are grateful for your prayers and your support.

Your Body Is A Temple

By Mississippi Sound
Another great word from Michelle Spires on the truly amazing human body! Learning who we REALLY are and manifesting from that blueprint.

1 Cor 6:19 Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
So, what’s up with all the aches and pains, boo-boos, and diseases? The word disease actually means non-ease.
I suggest to you that all diseases, aches and pains, and body signals are from areas of emotional non-ease in life that have yet to be addressed. Jesus said ‘my burden is easy and my yoke is light.’ So, how do we end up in non-ease? If you follow down this path with me, and really give yourself permission to explore it, you’ll find that all non-ease comes from some lie we’ve believed that has us separated from God.
If we believe the lie long enough, the emotional trauma and drama it produces actually creates toxic chemical cocktails in our body (from our own endocrine system) that produces disease or weakness in the body that can lead to “injury.”
If your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, this means your body is hard wired for Love and Truth. This means if your body is giving you a signal, it is exposing a lie so you can discover Truth. Imagine your body loves you so much it is willing to experience pain, so you can find Truth about who you really are. WOW! That sounds like Jesus’ kind of love to me!
Each signal has an easy translation designed just for you! If you’re experiencing something other than ease, start thanking your body for assisting you in finding Truth. And, of course, I’m here to help too!
You can find Michelle on her website at:
And on Facebook:
And on February 24th you can find her on River Sound at 11am ET!

BostonC's Weekly Sign Posts

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