108. Predisposition versus Destiny
Above The Sun Topics
- Gimel’s Gate: Transdimensional Ephesians 1 (PART 2)
- Boston C: Predisposition versus Destiny

Gimel's Gate: Transdimensional Ephesians 1 (pt. 2)
By Mississippi Sound
The second part of Ephesians 1 with Bralynn Newby on Spirit – Centered Business was just as fresh and exciting as part 1. If you missed who she is, she is a trailblazing, Kingdom warrior called to release and activate voices held captive by fear, doubt and confusion, traded away or deteriorated influence. As a Spiritual Engineer she helps people navigate the heavenly business center to get the destiny scroll for their business, and establish it in the spirit realm. She works with Holy Spirit to remove blocks, increase productivity and flow, and release resources and heavenly assistance. Go follow the link and to hear part 2 fresh perspective.
As I promised, here are a few favorite Golden Nuggets that stood out to me:
1) Recap on grace, or charis in the Greek – means there’s a joyous emotion to it. It implies favor and supernatural potency that is meant to leave you both charming and beautiful. In the quantum or spirit realm, grace has a frequency and essence of favor that attracts good things in both the spirit realm and in the natural realm. This is the trans-dimensional part. Grace has a strong emotional element to it. Emotions happen in our body, like the feeling of joy. This crosses dimensionally from the spirit realm into the natural realm because as we think a thought that has emotion it exists in the spirit realm then comes into our brain in the physical realm.
2) God imparts the riches of the Spirit of Wisdom and Spirit of Revelation to know him through your deepening intimacy with him. Any Spirit can be its own entity. Revelation can be understood, after we are given the understanding through what’s being revealed. We are called unto deepening intimacy with God to know who he is and who we are plus the mysteries of the kingdom.
3) The light frequency of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with the light (frequency) until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling. That is God’s wealth of his inheritance that he finds in us, his holy ones. Our imagination is the tool we have to experience the quantum realm and to entangle with him so we can experience all his cascading love for us. We use all of our spiritual senses plus all of our knowing from our imagination.
4) After we continually experience the greatness of God’s power, our lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through us. This happens by pressing in for more. This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Jesus from the dead and exalted and enthroned him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm. The same power is in us as we are one in Christ, wrapped up in Christ in this highest place as a facet with him.
5) Seated in Christ we are quantumly entangled in him as he is seated above every ruler, authority, and government and every realm of power that exists in this age and any age to come. God has put everything beneath the authority of Christ and he is given the highest rank above all others. We are his body on the earth seated with him. As much as he fills us, he sees us as filling him. Isn’t that amazing!
June 21st – August 30th 2pm Eastern, Bralynn and Donna are having a 10 – Week Group Tour for refreshing Holy Spirit during the summer months. Come along as they raft on the River of Life in the Holy Spirit flow. They are open to what heaven shows, and brings them, and they’re looking forward to getting wet!
– River Rafting with Bralynn & Donna: http://BralynnNewby.com/River
– Join the Activation Ekklesia for Business: http://SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/activation
– Spirit realm Activations for your Business: https://SpiritCenteredBusiness.com/coaching
– Join the SCB Tribe: http://facebook.com/groups/scbtribe

Predisposition Vs. Destiny
(Inspired commentary by Boston C! based on “Switch On Your Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf”)
Parents missing the mark can create a predisposition, not a destiny. We are not responsible for something we are predisposed to because of ancestral decisions. However, we are responsible for being aware of predispositions. They need to be evaluated and eliminated and we have the power of making that decision through choosing.
Moreover, our choices (the epigenetic signals) alter the expression of genes (the epigenetic markers), which can then be passed on to our children and grandchildren, ready to predispose them before they are even conceived. Our bad choices become their bad predispositions.
Finally, choosing to accept the predispositions and live in them and accepting the responsibility for that decision is the signal that creates that reality around our lives. A positive attitude signal though, can change the expression of the gene.
What your mind creates, only your mind can take away. Good to luminate on!
Up and away.
ATS Team