116. There’s Power in our Words, Speak Life!
- There’s Power in our Words, Speak Life!
- Observe Your Thinking and Capture Your Rouge Thoughts

There's Power in our Words, Speak Life!

By Mississippi Sound
I want to share with you some positive thoughts from Paul Ferrante (joyjedi) of Empyreal Frequencies and Jeff Domansky (our own πdpiper) when their weekly coffee shop meeting in Yokes Fresh Market turned into a live video. Not only is Jeff one of our ATS partners but he also has a business called Segullah Studios. Which is where the lions share of all the creative work you’ve seen us use originated! Thank you @πdpiper!

PAUL: The topic is the power of our words and how important it is to speak life into every situation and especially into your own life. As you wake up there can be internal negative thought frequencies that can rise up. Thoughts like, “I don’t want to get up” for example. We can take those thoughts captive and turn them into positive frequencies like, “this is an amazing morning and I have things to look forward to.” Jeff, share some thoughts on this subject.

You can see the whole quantum relational synergistic trade here.

Observe Your Thinking and Capture Your Rogue Thoughts!

By Boston C!
(Inspired commentary by Boston C! based on “Switch On Your Brain” by Dr. Caroline Leaf”)

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