141. When The Going Gets Tough
- Today On ATS Voices – Teresa Bowen
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ATS Voices Guest Speaker

Teresa Bowen is a visionary leader with forward thinking, while staying in the present moment. A task that has been honed to produce a sharp eye and a quick response to opportunities presented.
Walking in Kingdom principles is essential to Teresa and she attributes all honor and glory to God The Father, for the wisdom and revelation she has gained.
Her life, transformed through an encounter with Jesus Christ some 40 years ago, has brought favor on Teresa’s life. The Lord’s promise to her in those beginning days was that He would restore the years the locusts had eaten, Joel 2:25. She affirms that He has and is keeping that promise.
Teresa has been led by Holy Spirit in the prophetic office in assisting to lead a local body under Apostolic governance. That foundation led to maturing to walking in Christ into mysteries of cosmic essence. This then led to learning of the luminaries God placed in the sky on the fourth day to “give light to the earth.” The Mazzaroth, or constellations, became a fascination to her and the journey of discovery began.
Teresa has had the honor of teaching and speaking internationally throughout this time. She loves to share what she is discovering and seeing in the stars and all the goodness the Lord has and is revealing.

When The Going Gets Tough

By Mississppi Sound

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