133. Who Am I
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Today on ATS Voices
Join us as we welcome Karen Britt of The Elastic Army Band!
It’s a webinar format today. Similar to other webinars you may have enjoyed, the focus will be on the main speaker along with the rest of the ATS team as panelists.
There will be a Q&A chat section for any questions you may have. And if time permits we’ll be able to open up mics and engage in some live Q&A.
We’re excited to hear her story and QRST with Karen and all of you!

Karen is the vocalist for The Elastic Army Band & Host of Kingdom Talks Music, Social Media & Content Creator for Kingdom Talks, and
Founder / Host for Eastcoast Hub & Kingdom Talks Music
My journey began with joining a local worship band that was being put together. Joining the band opened a door that threw me out in the forefront becoming the lead vocalist. The founder of the band later named it The Elastic Army Band. Lead guitarist Mike Harahus began to encourage me to write lyrics. I wrote my first lyric, Compelled, and today the band has over 20 songs including our first album Mysteries. We are consistently creating and developing new sounds and lyrics as the father is revealing his architecture of music to us.
While working with the band and doing some work in social media I came across Kingdom Talks Media. They were in the early stages of airing live shows through social media bringing various guests in that many call the mystic movement. I joined Kingdom Talks as the graphics and content creator. It has been an honor to be a part of what Gil and Adena Hodges are doing giving the opportunity to meet so many others, front runners in the mystic movement. It has been a huge impact on the community.
Being a part of Kingdom Talks Media has opened the door to introducing Kingdom Talks Music that the Eastcoast Hub | The Elastic Army Band Live Talks hosts to bring various musicians on to talk about the Christian music community. We are introducing a whole realm of what I dub as underground Christocentric music that reflects sound, frequency, vibrations. The show has brought out such music as ascension and meditation music, visionary hip hop, christocentric rock to sound bowls and plant music.
As we continue our work on music and shows our main mission is to bring people who are wanting to grow and go deeper together. We are interested in connections and being a one stop shop for people who are in search of teachings and materials to help others in their journey. The shows we air are to remove taboos from belief systems that have held the body hostage to religious systems and to reveal truths to bring them to freedom in their identity in Christ.
The Elastic Army Band:
The Elastic Army Band | Kingdom Talks Music: facebook.com/groups/374947923139609
To Purchase The Elastic Army Band Music :
Kingdom Talks Media :
Kindom Talks Music Youtube :

Chasing The Event Horizon

By Mississippi Sound
It’s my pleasure to welcome back our friend Carolyn of No Limits Ranch.

I had the most incredible opportunity given to me this week. In a circumstance, or even several circumstances, and in a very short period of time. It looked like a total mass ball of confusion and I saw it turn!! The circumstances turned around for my good in a matter of minutes!
I was put in a position to SEE that I was disconnected from the I AM…I had no idea!!!! When I saw that I was disconnected from the truth of who I AM. I had to have help as I could not do this on my own, and the help came to me in the most supernatural way with a divine appointment through someone who walks love, gives love and is love. I could then speak “I am that I am, and I stay.”
I am no longer disconnected from who I truly am because of situations that happened in my past that caused it. I AM now connected to the I AM and I stay. I am no longer calling wealth to come in. I AM no longer calling health to come in because I AM wealth and I AM health as Yeshua is, so AM I.
My highest frequency is walking in the connection of the I AM… Its living in the NOW!!
Signs of disconnect in speech are talking with blockers, such as saying, well,… OK,…Yeah etc. These words do not carry the frequency of the sound of the letters that make the word “YES”. Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. OK is not 100% sold out. It is not the I AM in my personal experience.
I AM learning moment by moment to watch my speech with intent. Because out of my heart frequencies speak out of my mouth. It is in my breath now that I speak this frequency, “I AM that I AM and I stay”. No more disconnect. I am connected to the One who loves me. The One who is love, and I AM a reflection of YHVH. I AM changing my world wherever I go because I AM what this world needs.
For more on this please check out Dr Sharnael Wolverton-Sehon at her website for consultations and her newest book “The Science of Miracles”
Facebook: facebook.com/sharnael.wolverton
web: swiftfire.org
Youtube: youtube.com/c/DrSharnaelTrueTV

New ATS Voices Clip
We’ve uploaded a new clip from a recent ATS Voices session.
“Your do or be is your date of birth…is your date of breath” – Paul Ferrante (JoyJedi!) – Emypreal Frequencies

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